Silverado Rose in My Autumn Garden

Certainly there are many pink-colored roses, but the Silverado rose has a color that echoes the Spring season to me, so vibrantIMG_1901 and also very fragrant, a truly wonderful member of my backyard garden, especially in the autumn and winter months!

Silverado and Yves Piaget Roses

The photos of these two roses makes for a lovely pink diptych! The one on the left is Silverado, a hybrid tea rose. The Yves Piaget is a hybrid tea rose, but also referred to as a romantica rose. They’re truly a sight for sore eyes after a long day (week!) at work. I took these photos within the past half hour. From my experience with these plants, the Silverado produces several medium-sized flowers in flourishes shortly after deadheading (see my previous post on this topic), which makes for a very active plant! The Yves Piaget produces a smaller number, but larger and very strongly fragranced flowers. I’ve noticed that Yves Piaget is also slower to bloom, but the results are worth the wait! I will give all of my roses a light pruning during the first week of August, to stimulate further flower production into the autumn season.

Deadheading Roses is Good for the Plant!

Since my June 21 post on deadheading roses, the rose photographed in that post, a hybrid tea called “Silverado,” has really flourished. This is the same plant just weeks later. It’ll be my second wave of flowers this season! Notice the beautiful deep wine color of the new leaves and the many new flower buds. If you do not deadhead roses as part of your routine care of these special plants, not only is there a reduction in aesthetics in your garden, there is a corresponding reduction in new flower and leaf production. This is a fragile time when many new gardeners can give up on roses, but please be patient and reconsider. Maintenance activities, such as watering, feeding, and deadheading require modest time with practice. And practice makes perfect! Your reward for these efforts? A rose garden that you can enjoy for many, many years.

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